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Chinese Zodiac Horoscope

2018 - The Year of Dog


1930 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002 2014
Good fortune is yours this lucky year. There may be difficulties in the beginning for those born in 1978, but things will turn out well in the end. Head-strong Horses can seem a bit arrogant sometimes. If you were born in 1966, don't act rashly. It's better to keep a low profile and build your base for the first six months - but by the end of the year your fortune will improve. Great news for those born in 1978 - this may be the year to put long-term plans into action, and make your dreams come true!
You are popular and attractive to the opposite sex, but often ostentatious and impatient. You need people. Mary early!
It's a slow start but hard work and perseverance will help you overcome these temporary problems. Horses born in 1990 will do very well in studies this year. For those born in 1966, business will boom - but don't neglect advice from experts and those with experience.
Investments will reap profits for those born in 1954, but if you were born in 1942, finances are limited, so keep a careful rein on your spending. For those born in 1978, there may be potential financial loss toward the end of the year. Do not boast about your wealth, or you may be robbed.
Horses tend to love junk food - and this year you will be very tempted to overeat or drink. Although your health will be generally good this year, try to eat more healthily - you may stop being a sleek Horse and become a plump pony! Those born in 1954 must watch your liquor intake.
Married hoses will enjoy a harmonious relationship - and if you were
born in 1930 there may be a happy event in your family. Single Horses will have plenty of chances to meet new friends. If you were born in 1990, your love life will boom! This is a good year for single horses to get married.
Compatible in love
Dog, Goat, Tiger
Not compatible in love
Compatible in business
Rooster, Dog